Game Prizes and Grand Prize Policy
We Translate Your Dream Into RealityWe’re giving 10 lucky persons the chance to win $3k (
$ 6,000 USDT).
All you have to do is follow the steps below to be eligible for draw:
- Follow AI Smart games app on Twitter
- Like and Retweet pinned tweet on Twitter
- Reply the pinned tweet with hashtag #MASA #smartgamesapp
- Follow AI Smart games app on telegram
- sbscribe in newsletter
- Subscribe in Youtube
Good luck all done

Earn Money Playing Games Online
We Translate Your Dream Into RealityThe Players can play and earn free tokens in the first stage and this tokens can be sold in the market. The players can earn cash money in the second stage
- Earn free tokens while playing first stage.
- Earn free tokens and cash money while playing in second stage.

Game Prizes and Grand Prize Policy
We Translate Your Dream Into RealityPrizes and Grand Prize Policy will be anounced with game releasing time.
- You can see the policy in the whitepaper doc. later on .